Thursday, 14 April 2011

Bastard plot bunnies

Right I have my Fandom for Tsunami one shot written, it just needs typing up and sending off to a beta. I'm starting chapter 18 of Beautiful stranger, this is enought to be going on with. Bastard little plot bunnies thought differently!! Two of them! Little feckers how am I supposed to get on with what I need to do when inspiration  for my two new fics keep hitting me? I've done the full plot and chapter one of both of them.

Plot Bunny #1 is called Bigger than us - Bella and Edward are soulmates, set for a life together. When tragedy strikes, one night turns Bella's life upside down. M/OOC/AU/AH

Plot Bunny #2 is called Generations - He pushed her too far and then pushed her away from everyone that she loved. After a cruel twist of fate, Bella is back and realises the wrong Cullen is the right one for her. Will she risk ripping the family further apart.

Watch this space!